ZINDAGI (Growth Promoter) Highly Poerfull
Bio-Organic and Energizing Concentation for plants
- Zindagi is a powerful plant nutrition, for overall plant growth and devlopment,
- It is rich source of organic nutrients like fulvic and seaweed which is specially required during early growth, flowering and fruiting stages.
- 5Ltr per acre for drip or drenching
- Do not mix with Calcium containing products.
Pack size: 100ml, 500ml, 1000ml, 5Ltr.
2. KADOO 125000 ( Insect Pest repellant)
- Kadoo is a powerful insect pest repellent.
- Improves the value and quality of produce. Suitable for drip & foliar application.
- The receptors of ansect pests are very sensitive to this product which deters the feeding activity on sprayed plants. The taste sensors does not allow to feed on plant naturally.
- It takes care of sucking pests like thrips, jassids, aphids, mealybugs, whitefly, mites, hoppers, moths and all types of catterpillar through antiffeeding and repellant properties.
Pack size: 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml
(Soil Growth promoter)
- Helps Plants Become Healthier.
- Improves end products size and quality (fruits, seeds etc). Suitable for drip & foliar application.
- For All Types Of Fruits,Vegetables For Drenching
Pack size: 1000ml, 500ml, 5lt
(Potassium Humate 98%) Natural Organic Water Soluble Bio-Stimulant for Roots and Plants.
- Helps neutralize soil toxins & tie up heavy metals in the soil.
- Improves structure & aeration of soil & optimizes use of soil water by plants. Increases soil buffering capacity & reduces soil erosion.
- Promotes root respiration & uniform and healthy white root growth & reduces nutrient losses. Neutralizes Ph value to 7
- stimulates plant growth, plant enzymes & cell division in plants. increases microbiological activity of soil
Pack size: 1000gm, 500gm, 250gm, 100gm.
(Soil Growth Promoter)
- Suitable for drip & foliar application.
- Completely soluble in water.
- Is a unique formulation for nutrient uptake, after spray it increases chlorophyll synthesis, increases fertilizer utilazation.
- Do not mix with fertilizer solutions containing phosphates & sulphate.
- If provide through drip irrigation, improves soil structure. it improves the roots and crops. Thickens, enlarge and balances the development of leaf growth. Helping plants to endure environment stress.
- Use 1.5 - 2 gm per Ltr. of water for vegetable crops.M/
Pack size: 1000gm, 500gm, 250gm, 100gm
( Silicon base spreader)
Silicon Based Agroculture Adjiuvant
- Galiwet Gold is a Silicone spray adjuvant. In aqueous solutions. it gives er spreading and dramatically reduces surface sion.
- Suitable for Spary.
- Therefore, the biological performance of crop otection products is significantly enhanced by
1 ) perior wetting of hydrophobic surfaces, in particular eaves and other plant parts,
2) better uptake through penetration of cuticular waxes.
Pack size: 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml.
(Wetting and spreading agent)Activator, Penetrator and Spreader for use with insecticides, Pesticides, fungicides
- Rainytron Plus is a product which can be used with insecticides fungicide Weedicides. it improves dispersing, spreading and sticking quality of spray.
Pack Size: 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml.